Latin America Coordinator

Edward L. Lindquist is a recognized authority on marketing. Lindquist. was born and raised in Fresno, California, attended BYU on a football scholarship, undertook advanced studies at Oxford University, and graduated with a B.S. degree in Archaeology. After receiving his master’s degree in business from Northwestern University, he began a long and successful business career in advertising and marketing – culminating with Toyota USA.  Later, Lindquist founded a global music company, which he later took public (IPO). Lindquist became CEO of a billion-dollar logistics firm and has served as a consultant to Nissan, Mazda, Radio City Music Hall, AMX, EMI, among other Fortune 500 companies. Meanwhile, Ed found time to author a book.

Lindquist currently is Managing Partner of the Expats Magazines Group, with its flagship Cuenca Expats Magazine, the largest English-language publisher in Ecuador.  The company is a proud member of Mucho Mejor and the American Ecuadorian Chamber of Commerce. Lindquist calls the beautiful, historic city of Cuenca, Ecuador home