How Do I Invest in Digital Assets? The Difference between Cryptocurrency and NFTs

How Do I Invest in Digital Assets? The Difference between Cryptocurrency and NFTs

NFTs and Cryptocurrencies are two popular investment categories that have been in the news increasingly in recent years. In many cases, you’ll hear these terms used interchangeably. However, they are two unique types of investments. Both asset classes have their own particularities and characteristics that are suitable for different investment goals. This guide breaks down […]

How Do Cryptocurrencies Work, and What is the Impact of the China Ban?

On September 24, 2021, China’s central bank issued a statement explaining that all virtual currency-related business activities were illegal from that moment on in the country, effectively placing a nationwide ban on cryptocurrency transactions. The announcement came amid a largescale crackdown on the trillion-dollar cryptocurrency industry by the Chinese government. According to the statement, which was published […]